cookie jar

cookie jar

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


This is so long overdue. Maybe I should write about a how-to-be-not-lazy kind o' thing or something like that. Overdue is the term and I am so guilty of the crime. I will fail all of my subjects in college if I'm as idle as I have been for the past, um, months? I don't know. Its just tough growing up, having much, of getting so much responsibilities, no, uh, work is the correct terminology for that, than usual when back at home I could lay around the whole day and feel the idleness all over me, succumbing. Huh, tough life. I should have posted this way way way back. I wrote this February and now look, its amazingly the 6th of April. Now, here goes this blog ages ago.. 


It’s Saturday, Eastern Time. And it is Sunday my time. I had to work tonight which is so not good and know what? I think I’m going to puke. Pardon my language, but I really am.

I need to. I’m dizzy. This day is shaking the hell out of me.

This day is supposed to be a happy day, right? It’s Sunday. But this volume of calls and work load do not fit for the day. It was freakin’ queuing. What the hell! I bet this management didn’t know the meaning of GOOD STAFFING. That’s only good. Better is overstatement. This is really far from good. Far from being real.

Service level is down to 71.

Last Sunday shift, its way different. There are tons of advisors on the production floor and the avail time was like two or three minutes interval and the Mission Command was not approving any coaching or team meeting and just sent us a crap telling us that they are actually doing something with regard to the occupancy. How calm a week’s worth of days can turn the whole thing upside down? What a turnaround!  We were just able to go VGH or VTO (as we call it, that’s the popular name for that and its VOLUNTARY TIME OFF and we went coffee. Starbucks!) last week for crying out loud!

I had four system issues already and its really pissing me off. I had to transfer to, I don’t know, four stations, I guess, because of that and my NT Login was not freakin’ working right. Huh! Our team leader is starting to get so grumpy. I, too. I don’t know. It might be that I woke up on the wrong side of my bed or this day is really undeniably bad as if we are under a curse or something.

Uh-uh. Not good!

Oh, another thing, I almost forgot, all of us here were given mandatory half hour lunch. So you want me to take my lunch for like thirty minutes? You’ll take away the only good thing in this kind of crap. That’s my one hour resurrection, closest to being normal kid again. An hour lunch. An hour call avoidance. Away from this prison. (and I’m starting to be melodramatic which sucks! Ha-ha!)

We are entitled to ranting once in a while, right? Are we not? So take it easy TL, Harold and Ate Mai. And me. This, too, shall pass. I ate my whole hot chicken and pepperoni burrito fresh from the microwave (which was incontestably hot! In what?! I ate the whole burrito out…) in a blink of an eye.

Our very good TL was just so nice to apologize (as always, and as good as he is) to the team about what happened today. And the day hasn’t ended yet. Here’s the message: Sorry for the OTs. You know I won’t ask if I don’t need to. I’ll do what I can to make sure the payout is on time. Thanks.-Ambo

Service level resurrected up to 82.

I just had enough puff of cigarettes for tonight. And that? That’s an understatement.

(Post script: Thirty minutes after I’m done writing this blog, the angels heard our grievances… The management sent us relief goods! Ha-ha! Kidding. They sent us lunch. Niceness. Not so bad after all, huh? Hard work paid off immediately. But it still is… understatement.)

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